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With a Delta Dental network, participants in the National IAM Benefit Trust Fund dental plans have access to more than 118,000 participating dentists nationwide.

To search for dentists in the Delta Dental Premiere or Delta Dental PPO networks, visit Delta Dental's website and follow the on-screen instructions.

You can also contact Delta Dental by phone at 1-800-616-3631 for help finding a Premiere or PPO network provider.


You can contact the IAM Benefit Trust Fund Office or your benefits provider directly to get more information about each plan.

  • Phone: 800-457-3481 or 202-785-8148. Our phones are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time.
  • Mail: National IAM Benefit Trust Fund, 99 M Street, SE,  Suite 600, Washington, DC 20003-4595
  • E-mail Form: Click Here

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