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This page provides a description of and links to National IAM Benefit Trust Fund forms related to the Fund’s STD plans. Click the form titles below to review or download copies.

Enrollment Form

Enrollment Form (PDF)

Eligible employees may enroll in a National IAM Benefit Trust Fund Short Term Disability plan by completing and submitting this form. A Benefit Trust Fund short-term disability plan must be negotiated into a CBA, and the eligible employee must also enroll in an associated Benefit Trust Fund medical plan, in order to enroll in a Fund STD plan.

Short-Term Disability Claim Form

Short-Term Disability Claim Form (PDF)

To submit a disability claim, have a Short-Term Disability Claim Form completed by your employer, yourself, and your physician. Send your completed claim form to the Fund Office for processing.

Waiver Form

Waiver Form (PDF)

Eligible employees wishing to waive coverage must complete and submit this form.


You can contact the IAM Benefit Trust Fund Office or your benefits provider directly to get more information about each plan.

  • Phone: 800-457-3481 or 202-785-8148. Our phones are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time.
  • Mail: National IAM Benefit Trust Fund, 99 M Street, SE,  Suite 600, Washington, DC 20003-4595
  • E-mail Form: Click Here

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